Vision:To be the leader of temperature control equipment technology in China
精神:互利共贏(yíng) 以德致盛
Spirit:Victory by virtue and achieve mutual win
使命:為客戶(hù)創(chuàng )造大價(jià)值,與員工共享大成果
Mission:Create the maximum value for the customers and share the greatest results with the employees
企業(yè)理念:以質(zhì)量求生存 以創(chuàng )新求發(fā)展 以誠信鑄品牌 以服務(wù)創(chuàng )口碑
Company Concept:Survive with quality,Develop with innovation,brand with honesty,repute with service
Competition concept:Quality lead,technology lead,service lead
Marketing concept:All sales are for love,surpassing customer expectations